Experience has taught me to avoid over-crowed trades – to always be on the lookout for sheep-like investment behaviour. Right now too many sheep-like analysts love Baah Baah Rick Gold (TSX-ABX) and so I bailed last week at $47.
Our very long term chart below illustrates the cyclic path of the current secular advance in two of the important commodities – gold and crude. A secular trend (up or down) is a long term advance – usually 12 years – that is interrupted by shorter bull and bear cycles. The structure of the secular advance can be seen when broken into 5 cycles
Cycle (1) is the recognition of survival cycle wherein the market anticipates the survival of many smaller O&G producers and mining companies. The fundamentals are still weak. Cycle (2) is the big “money” cycle wherein anything you own in the sector goes up. Cycle (3) is the disappointing cycle when investors discover some headwinds such as squeezed profit margins and environmental concerns. Cycle (4) is the sheep cycle, the speculative bubble. The fundamentals are strong but divergences appear as not all components enjoy the bullish stampede. Cycle (5) can be a bull trap or a bear market rally that may or may not make new highs. Clearly the lower fruit has been picked – leave the higher stuff for the sheep.