In the late 1990’s we used the low cost TIPS 35 index fund (Canada’s first ETF) as a low cost component of our index timing model. In November 2000, the Toronto Stock Exchange announced plans to phase out its popular TIPS 35 and TIPS 100 index participation units, and replace them with its new i60 units (XIU).
Now the ETF stampede is on with ETFs on everything – energy, technology, value, growth, water, food, bonds, infrastructure, gold and international indices. New mutual fund offerings are promoted by rock stars such as BNN’s Kevin O’Leary. If you don’t believe me do a Google on “kevin o'leary rockstar” and enjoy!
Keep in mind that you can lose money on ETF investing the same way you can lose on mutual funds and stocks. Simply buy high and sell low.
Now that ETF’s have risen from obscurity 10-years ago to be now the greatest investment product ever in the history of investing – we want more of them. Hell now we can buy short ETF’s, double short ETF’s and coming soon TRIPPLE short ETF’s. Who cares if they often don’t work – they are exciting!
Now we can buy “managed” ETF’s – yes folks managed mutual funds are for fools but a “managed” ETF is for us smarter new breed of investors.
Snap out of it!
The managed AlphaPro HAX vs. the unmanaged XIU – so far a loser
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